Advertising watchdog clears campaign for waste-to-energy plant

The ASA dismissed a case brought by four complainants who said claims for the King’s Lynn project by its developer – a consortium led by Cory Environmental and Wheelabrator Technologies  could not be substantiated. The complainants challenged seven claims made in a local newspaper advertisement. They included forecasts that the plant would create more than 1,000 jobs, save Norfolk council taxpayers £200 million divert 250,000 tonnes of waste from landfill and generate enough electricity for 356,000 homes.

The case brought the total number of claims against advertising materials for the proposed Willows Power & Recycling Centre to eleven – all of which had been dismissed by the ASA.

The plant received planning consent in June 2012 after a lengthy, often rancorous, dispute with local residents. Norfolk County Council has signed a contract with Cory Environmental for its construction.