Awareness campaign boosts priority services enquiries by 148 per cent

The campaign appeared more than 4.5 million times on key regional news websites across the electricity distributor’s operating area and called on viewers to think of people in their life who would benefit from extra support during power cuts.

Northern Powergrid said the campaign has allowed them to reach out to different groups of customers and raise awareness, and linked them directly to the website where they could sign up or find out more.

Northern Powergrid’s head of customer and stakeholder engagement said: “We saw a 148 per cent increase in visits to our Priority Services Register webpage compared with the two-weeks prior to the campaign starting, which is a positive result.

“Network investments mean power cuts aren’t an everyday occurrence for most people but if you, or someone you know, has a medical condition or equipment which relies on electricity, is disabled, elderly or has young children, it could be more than an inconvenience.”

Last year electricity network distributors joined forces to launch a new three-digit national number to make it easier for customers to contact their local distributor and report power cuts and damage to power assets.