Brightwater celebrates successful first year

The Scottish water retailer Brightwater has secured supply contracts worth more than £1.3 million in its first year of operations.

The Musselburgh-based firm, which secured its first customers in May 2016, now supplies more than 800 sites throughout Scotland, using a network of partners and brokers.

“We are delighted with how the business has grown over our first year of operations as we are breaking into a heavily regulated market, dominated by large corporates. Key to our success is our focus on delivering on our promises to our customers, partners and suppliers,” said Brightwater chief executive, Roger Green.

“We’ve built a strong team of sales and customer service staff who work really well together,” he added.

Brightwater has a small business charter which sets out the service customers can expect to receive, offering easy switching from other supplies, advice on water efficiency, and bill validation and rebates.

Managing director, Rich Franklin puts the company’s success down to its emphasis on customer service.

“We want to do more for our customers. We use our extensive market data to provide targeted analysis and advice that helps businesses save water and money,” said Franklin.