Case study: Ultrasonic transit time technology for sewer flow

15 September 2020

Case study: Ultrasonic transit time technology for sewer flow

In this case study, read how Jain Technology applied flow measurement technology to measure sewage to deliver reliable flow rate and cut costs.

Based on its 25 years of experience in flow measurement of drinking water lines, Jain Technology, in association with Korea Environment Corporation (KEC), attempted to apply the same technology to sewage measurement to deliver reliable flow rate and to reduce operation maintenance cost.

Xonic 100LO is a ‘top-of-the-line’ unique ultrasonic flowmeter that uses transit-time technology for measuring full and partially filled sewer pipes. Due to the 4-path transducer, flow-inducing design, our flowmeter provides accurate flow measurement of sewage which contains sand and slurry.

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