‘Cut offshore wind costs by drawing on oil and gas expertise’

Andrew Donaldson, renewables director for the offshore projects and operations of Britain’s Petrofac said: “It’s building offshore structures, it’s building jackets, it’s installing the structure, so operating heavy-lift cranes, it’s laying cables”. Only the rest needs to be done by renewables companies, he told a conference on research and development in offshore winds organised by the European Wind Energy Technology Platform. This approach could reduce offshore winds project costs, helping utilities’ bottom line.

Having worked in the offshore oil and gas industry before his current job at Petrofac, Donaldson is convinced that Europe’s young and growing offshore winds industry can exploit established oil and gas sector offshore experience. “As we stand, there aren’t too many offshore renewable energy projects actually getting in the water”, said Donaldson – blaming cost.

Reducing costs in offshore wind power, he argued, would involve innovation, standardised design and volume production. Referring to synergies between oil and gas extraction and wind power, he said: “We need to reduce the costs and there’s an opportunity here. I think the two can come together quite successfully to deliver this cost reduction”, said Donaldson.