Data and digitalisation requirements for the energy transition

28 May 2021

Data and digitalisation requirements for the energy transition

To deliver a cost effective and equitable transition to net zero, the full potential of system data and digitalisation must be brought to bear. But what key enablers must be in place to support this, and what specific outcomes should the industry be looking to achieve? Download our report for unique insight into expert industry views.

In recent years, and with much credit to the work of the Energy Data Taskforce, awareness has grown of the need to revitalise and repurpose energy industry approaches to the use of data and digitalisation through the energy transition.

Doing this effectively and in line with the spirit of a “just” transition, is however no small task. It involves myriad technical, commercial, cultural and ethical challenges which must be overcome – and at pace if the UK is to stay on track to meet its’ legally binding net zero emissions target.

At a recent industry working group hosted by Utility Week in association with CGI, industry representatives shared detailed thoughts on these challenges and how they can be addressed by putting in pace key enablers and specifying well defined expected outcomes from system digitalisation.

This unique report digests the observations and recommendations shared by this diverse group, comprising strategic leaders as well as service and data specialist from across the energy industry – including infrastructure owners and service providers.

Download now for insight into working group beliefs about:

  • The standards and interoperability of data needed to support net zero
  • Which key gaps in system intelligence must be tackled as a priority
  • The importance of gaining agreement around priority use cases for system data
  • How industry culture and attitudes to risk need to change for the industry’s digital future
  • How consumers need to be enabled and incentivised to share their energy data
  • What the energy industry can learn from the example of Open Banking