Defra introduces “simplified” small sewerage discharge rules

The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) laid the “simpler regulatory framework” in Parliament on Monday, with the aim of reducing the “unnecessary administrative burdens” on rural households and businesses while continuing to protect the environment and prevent pollution.

The operator – the person in control of a SSD – will no longer have to register, keep records of maintenance, and notify when a discharge ceases.

But environmental permits for SSDs will continue to be used in certain areas to protect drinking waters sources and other sensitive areas, Defra said.

Water minister Dan Rogerson said: “The new approach focuses action on making sure septic tanks and sewage treatment plants are well maintained and not causing pollution through poor maintenance or installation, and that water resources, drinking water supplies, sensitive areas and rare habitats continue to be protected.”

The new regulations will come into affect on 1 January 2015.