Drinking Water Quality: Innovation in Chlorate Reduction

New regulations from the Drinking Water Directive recognise the need to monitor additional chemical parameters, and although chlorate has been recognised for some time, more data has emerged about its toxicity.

Chlorate is a highly oxidized form of chlorine and disinfection by-product (DBP) that can form where bulk sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, or on-site electrochlorination systems are used for disinfection. While the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a chlorate limit of 0.7 mg/L (700 µg/L), the new regulations aim to address consumer concerns about the impacts of high concentrations on human health.

Through ongoing studies and laboratory field testing, Evoqua has researched how to reduce chlorate formation on-site with the OSEC® On-Site Electrochlorination system.

This webinar explores evolving regulation on chlorate in drinking water and how Evoqua’s OSEC® On-Site Electrochlorination system can deliver a low chlorate solution.

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