ENA seeks feedback on Open Networks Project plans

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has launched a consultation on the work plan for its Open Networks Project in 2018.

The consultation document details the priorities, scope and time-scales for the industry initiative in its second year.

The project has four main work streams: interactions across distribution and transmission; the customer experience; the evolution of distribution network operators (DNOs) into distribution system operators (DSOs); and network charging.

This year it will focus on the early implementation of DSO functions, improving whole system investment planning, and analysing and trialling potential market models for DSOs.

The work plan for 2018 is “significantly larger in scope” than for 2017, with 29 sub-projects expected to be delivered during the year. The work includes:

“The Open Networks Project has, from the start, been designed to be adaptable and flexible in response to feedback from stakeholders,” said ENA chief executive David Smith.

“This consultation continues that process into 2018 and indicates our commitment to carrying out extensive and comprehensive assessment of the transmission-distribution interactions and future distribution system operator functionality.

“The project takes a ‘whole system’ approach, with consideration of gas, heat and other cross-vector industries, as well as taking into account other network-led and wider industry work, including the Future Power System Architect initiative.”

ENA head of innovation and development Randolph Brazier, said: “This is an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback directly to us on areas that they feel might need looking at sooner rather than later or identify areas they feel are missing.

“Gap analysis and stakeholder review carried out during 2017 allowed us to identify new products, so stakeholder feedback really is essential to the success of the overall project.”

The deadline for responses is 23 February 2018. You can read Utility Week’s analysis of the work plan here.