Environmental improvements dominate Ofwat’s innovation fund winners

Projects to improve river health and reduce greenhouse gasses from wastewater treatment have been awarded a share of £36 million in the Ofwat Water Breakthrough Challenge.

Nine entries received funding to develop and deliver at-scale innovations as part of the competition launched at PR19 by the regulator to encourage collaborative thinking to answer sector-wide challenges.

The winners were:

John Russell, senior director at Ofwat said: “From Airbus and Microsoft to ZSL and the River Trust, the Water Breakthrough Challenge has led to the formation of exciting partnerships with water companies to improve services for customers and improve the environmental footprint of the sector. Each of the winners will contribute to the resilience, sustainability and effectiveness of the water sector in the years to come for the benefit of customers across the country.”

The competition was run by Nesta Challenges, Arup and Isle Utilities with an independent panel of judges choosing the winning entries. It follows the Innovation in Water Challenge earlier this year, also funded through the £200 million Innovation Fund that will run to 2025.

A second Water Breakthrough Challenge will open for entries on 11 October 2021 to provide funding for further innovative water sector initiatives.  Up to £35 million will be shared between entries that deliver benefits for water customers, society and the environment.