Eon and Npower business arms to merge

Eon UK is combining its business retail arm with Npower Business Solutions as part of the merger between the two energy giants.

Work to integrate the industrial and commercial arms is scheduled to complete by the end of 2021.

Eon acquired Npower late last year, following a failed merger between the latter and SSE’s retail arm. A restructure of “unsustainable” Npower was then announced, with its domestic and small business customers being migrated to Eon, while the business solutions department was spun off.

Eon says detailed plans will now be drawn up looking at bringing the two B2B retailers together, including working locations and timelines to migrate all customers to a joint IT system.

The move announced today (5 May) will create one of the UK’s largest business energy retailers, with both brands having around 57,000 I and C customers combined.

Eon UK and Npower chief executive, Michael Lewis, said the pair were “fundamentally two complementary companies” that bring together wider expertise in different areas of the market.

Lewis added: “What this means for British business is an expansion of our abilities to offer a greater range of smarter and personalised support to help meet their business efficiency and zero carbon ambitions.

“This is the latest stage of a process to build a more sustainable business and to succeed in this extremely challenging market. Part of that was to migrate residential and small business customers to the Eonnext platform we’re building alongside our strategic partner, Kraken Technologies.”