Expert view: Edging ahead in the age of IoT

Toshiba’s dynaEdge DE-100 high-performance mobile edge computing device helps organisations to resolve these challenges. Such an approach reduces operational strain and latency by processing the most critical data at the edge and close to its originating source – something which is invaluable in this increasingly mobile age. Subsequently, organisations can identify and send only relevant data to the cloud, thereby reducing the amount of “data garbage” that has to be processed by cloud services. From a security perspective, the edge device also enables data communication to be locally encrypted and translated to a communication protocol before being sent to the company’s network core via the cloud.

Coupled with the companion Assisted Reality AR100 Viewer smart glasses, Toshiba’s dynaEdge solution is designed to deliver hands-free wearable working to the enterprise, providing next-level business efficiency and enablement to organisations through a range of bespoke use-cases, tailored to industries from warehousing and logistics, to manufacturing and utilities. Running on Windows 10 – the first solution of its kind to do so – the dynaEdge can also be easily integrated into the existing IT infrastructure, while simultaneously benefitting from the support and security delivered through Microsoft updates to the platform. A core example of the advantages brought about by Microsoft integration is the ability to run Skype for Business, providing remote workers with direct video-conferencing communications to colleagues who can provide visual and audio guidance and consultation.

Wearable devices such as smart glasses can have a potentially game-changing impact on the productivity of organisations which rely heavily on frontline and field-based workers. In utilities, they can deliver next-level mobile efficiency to everyone from electricity and gas engineers to powerline technicians. For example, a worker conducting repairs on an electricity pylon may use AR smart glasses to call up the schematics and cabling of the pylon to enable a hands-free view of service procedures – meaning that when a fault becomes a barrier to repair, the engineer is able to use collaboration software such as Toshiba Vision DE Suite to call for assistance from a remote expert and have additional information sent through.

Much of this functionality is delivered through a strategic partnership with Ubimax, the global market leader for enterprise wearable computing solutions, which – through Toshiba’s mobile edge computing device and close collaboration with Microsoft – is delivering its first ever modules which port to the Windows platform. With major technology players such as these becoming centrally involved in the wearables market, it’s no surprise that businesses are beginning to take such solutions increasingly seriously. Our “Maximising Mobility” report revealed, for example, that 82 per cent of Europe’s IT decision-makers plan to deploy smart glasses within the next three years.

The potential of wearables isn’t limited purely to smart glasses, even if they are leading the way so far. Emerging technologies such as 5G are set to bring the speed and capacity required for a new wave of next-generation IoT devices to come to the fore. In fact, Ericsson predicts that 70 per cent of the world’s 18 billion IoT devices will run on cellular technology by 2022. Gateway mobile edge computing solutions such as Toshiba’s dynaEdge DE-100 will play a key role in ensuring such solutions can be incorporated into mobile IT strategies across the board.

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