Haven Power launches product to help business customers with bills

Businesses will soon begin to see additional charges on their bills relating to the Capacity Market (CM) and Contracts for Difference (CfD), and Haven claims its new product will “help provide budget certainty for businesses” as it “eliminates exposure to future energy and non-energy price increases”.

Haven Complete will allow SME and small-scale industrial and commercial customers to manage the costs associated with the legislation by fully fixing the energy and non-energy elements of their bill.

Haven Power’s sales and marketing director Richard Robey said: “We have a very transparent approach in terms of any changes to costs, so we have confronted EMR head-on and developed Complete to ensure customers have an option whereby the costs are fully-fixed and clearly stated on the bill.

“We believe this is the first fully-fixed product including CfD and CM charges, supported by the standard terms and conditions.

It’s what the industry has been asking for and something we’re proud to offer as we strive to innovate and tackle change in a direct way.”

EMR is a government policy introduced in early 2013 to incentivise investment in low-carbon electricity, improve the security of the UK’s electricity supply, and improve affordability for consumers.