Hinkley Point C grid connection design submitted to Planning Inspectorate

The 56km transmission link for the proposed nuclear plant becomes the 50th nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) to be considered under the Planning Act regime.

If approved, the Somerset project will be the first outing for the T-pylon, the winning entry in a specially held design competition. The plans involve 109 T-pylons as well as 32 traditional steel lattice pylons and 8km of cable run underground through the Mendip Hills.

The high voltage connection will replace 67km of lower voltage line in the region.

Peter Bryant, National Grid senior project manager, thanked everyone who had been involved in the 5-year consultation process. He said: “Their views have made a huge contribution, including helping to inspire an international pylon design competition and the proposal to place five miles of the connection underground through the Mendips.”

The Planning Inspectorate has 28 days to decide whether to accept the application for detailed examination, which takes six months. The energy secretary makes the final decision.