Hundreds benefit from smart energy programme

Smart metering and energy efficiency measures have helped hundreds of households in one of London’s most deprived boroughs use less electricity, according to a new study.

The study by UK Power Networks shows nearly 300 residents in Tower Hamlets who took part in their energywise project were able to cut their energy consumption on average by 3.3 per cent a year.

As part of the project, UK Power Networks worked with various groups in Tower Hamlets to help tenants who were in or near fuel poverty by installing smart meters and other energy saving devices, such as LED lights, as well as energy efficiency advice.

According to the study, the programme was well received by local residents, with a 40 per cent uptake.

More than 85 per cent of active participants have now chosen to take part in a second trial investigating different tariffs that have significant potential to benefit customers.

Dr Giulia Privitera, innovation engineer at UK Power Networks, said the project demonstrates “our commitment to our most vulnerable and hard-to-reach customers by making sure they can share the same smart meter benefits”.

“It has shown that smart meters, combined with a tailored support strategy, can make people more aware of their energy use,” added Privitera.

“Working with people in the local community has been hugely successful for customer engagement, especially as many participants don’t have English as their first language. We are delighted that the first phase of the project has shown such positive results.”

UK Power Networks worked closely with a number of partners on the project including the charity National Energy Action, British Gas and University College London.