LPG key to decarbonising UK heat

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) could “immediately and significantly” decarbonise UK heat, a new report has claimed.

The report, entitled Gas For Off Grid Britain by the trade body UKLPG claims LPG could cut carbon emissions in thousands of homes and businesses across the country that do not have access to mains gas.

According to the report, LPG emits 35 per cent less CO2 than coal, 12 per cent less than oil and almost no black carbon.

It adds LPG is the lowest carbon conventional off-grid fuel and there is always a well-established infrastructure in the UK.

“While there have been substantial changes in the UK’s energy landscape over the past decade, LPG is the fuel that continues to tick all the right boxes, from a commercial, residential and indeed a policy point of view,” said UKLPG chief executive, Rob Shuttleworth.

“Electricity alone cannot meet the heat needs of the rural community and as an industry we are pioneering new technologies, as well as bio-LPG as part of a portfolio of long-term, low carbon LPG solutions that will support communities off the gas grid for many years to come,” added Shuttleworth.

“We can replace the oldest and most inefficient oil boilers today with clean condensing LPG boilers that both lower consumer bills and reduce carbon emissions.

“Whilst the consumer would enjoy the benefits of a new gas boiler, in mist cases they would not need a new central heating sysem and the LPG storage tank would be part of their supply contract.”