Market view: Points of comparison

Most consumers have limited experience of dealing with water companies. They do not get to choose which company to do business with and are subject to the customer experience on offer, be it good, bad or indifferent. Neither do customers have the opportunity to compare this service with that from another water business. This means that consumer opinions are formed through comparison with the service they receive from other businesses, such as banks, high street retailers, and mobile phone providers.

With the benefit of a guaranteed customer base, the customer experience has not traditionally been at the top of the board’s agenda. But customers are set to be offered the choice of which water company they do business with – and the customer service they expect to receive will definitely play a part in the decision-making process. How customers compare service, not only with other water companies but also with companies outside the sector, suddenly becomes extremely important.

When Ofwat introduced the service incentive mechanism (SIM) in 2010, it aimed to shake up the water sector, and this certainly goes some way to helping individual companies understand the customer perception of their service within the sector. However, this is only a partial view, thanks to limited data sampling, infrequent measurement and limited scope.

All this means there is a strong argument for water companies to examine the customer experience in much more detail, and in the wider context of cross-sector customer service. Not only will this help them understand their brand and service perception in the eyes of a consumer but it will also present valuable opportunities to learn from companies that have already had to develop their service proposition as a vital customer differentiator.

The value of benchmarking

SIM provides the sector comparison, so how can water companies fill in the blanks and find comparable insight into other sectors?

A benchmarking exercise is a great way to assess your company’s customer experience while balancing cost and highlighting priority areas of improvement. Naturally, the comparison against companies in your own sector is of biggest initial interest – they have the same challenges as you do and failure to act will warrant hefty regulatory penalties. But it is the comparison with other best-in-class operations that will present the most valuable business intelligence.

It provides a shortcut to understanding the areas that have the greatest impact on customer perception, allowing you to focus your budget and resources where they will make the biggest difference. Through benchmarking, it is possible to isolate specific processes to improve, and understand how these improvements can affect other parts of the business.

What is more, benchmarking can also give you a greater understanding of the success of your outsourced relationships and how to get more bang for your buck when dealing with suppliers.

Choosing the right benchmarking process

Benchmarking has historically had a bad name in the UK because of sometimes lax approaches, resulting in unreliable data and non-comparable results. However, choosing the right method and the right partner can result in valuable insight that will have a direct impact on the bottom line. There are a number of benchmarking options available: 

As customer service quality begins to impact customer numbers and therefore the bottom line, it becomes vitally important to understand how your performance compares to other service providers, as well as to your direct competitors. Benchmarking can be an effective and valuable way of achieving this while offering insight into new ways of working that your sector has not started to consider. For those willing to take the leap, cross-sector benchmarking could be the competitive edge you were looking for.