MOSL calls for innovation fund to be inclusive of non-domestic sector

Non-household water market operator MOSL has called for a clearer focus on the business sector and its water usage to drive water efficiency and consumption targets.

In an open letter to the water sector in response to the draft Water Innovation Strategy 2050, published in July, the market operator said business water providers and customers should play a crucial part in finding and developing solutions to innovation challenges.

The strategy is based around four principles of collaboration, using a holistic and consistent approach to addressing challenges such as Covid-19 and the sector reaching net zero by 2030.

The 19 water companies, coordinated by Water UK, worked with Arup to develop the strategy, which outlined plans for a virtual centre of excellence.

“We believe that in order for the water sector to benefit from technology and innovation, it is crucial that the non-household market, its participants, as well as business customers are part of exploring and developing tangible solutions,” MOSL said.

The operator suggested that itself and other market operators should be considered key stakeholders in driving data insight to target innovation where it is most needed.

It recommended considering the Market Improvement Fund as a potential fund for innovation and for MOSL to be seen as a “facilitator of innovation” to use its position and expertise to align the holistic approach towards environmental, societal and economic challenges across the business and domestic markets.

MOSL said: “We look forward to continuing to engage with the strategy owners – the water companies who operate in the market – as they continue to shape the final strategy and as we work together to drive innovation to deliver the best outcomes for customers.”

The final strategy is due to be published at the end of this month and the first round of Ofwat’s innovation competition is due in the spring.

To find out more about the innovation fund and how water companies can best take advantage of the opportunities, take a look at Utility Week and CGI’s May report Grasping the Opportunity