Most customers missed out on support from water retailers

Fewer than a quarter of business customers reported having received information from their water retailer about available support during the pandemic.

That is according to CCW’s Testing the Waters survey for 2020/21, which showed only 69 per cent of customers were pleased with their retail services. Satisfaction with water was higher (91 per cent) and sewerage services (88 per cent).

The water watchdog’s biannual report to monitor consumer views on water, sewerage and retail services showed non-household customers were not aware of support to pay their bills during Covid-19 and lockdowns.

Restrictions caused by lockdown “severely” impacted 33 per cent of respondents who said it forced them to re-evaluate future plans. Meanwhile 48 per cent said the impact was “moderate”. Those operating in arts, recreation and entertainment were most affected.

More than half (54 per cent) of customers in England were aware they could switch retailer or renegotiate with their existing supplier. Of those that had switched 22 per cent reported being unhappy with the process.

The prospect of better service, rather than lower bills, was a motivator for more customers interested in changing retailer.