National Grid capacity warning system triggered for first time

A spokesperson for National Grid told Utility Week: “Capacity market notices are automated and based on the data industry has submitted.

“They are not an indication of supply problems, but to flag that the trigger level set by government under the capacity market rules – 500MW above expected demand and National Grid’s operating margin – has been breached.

“The notice serves as a reminder to capacity market participants to pay attention to any system notices or instructions that may appear from the system operator.”

According to reports in the Guardian, the notice was triggered by the end of British summer time.

The capacity market notice website was set up because National Grid has an obligation to report events that may lead to the occurrence of a system stress event on the GB electricity transmission system. The system operator will publish notices specific to the capacity market, based on available information in real-time or after any potential demand control events.

This is a requirement under the capacity market rules associated with the commencement of the electricity capacity market within Great Britain from 1 October 2016.