One Minute Intervew: David Seymour, head of market development, Business Stream

Career history: prior to joining Business Stream to develop the company’s presence in the English water market, David was a director at SSE Water, where he established the first “new entrant” water company

What was your first job?

I took on a paper round – well, technically two paper rounds (I was very enthusiastic) – while still at school.

What are the best and worst parts of your job?

The best part: the satisfaction gained through providing an excellent service to customers and being at the forefront of change in the industry. The worst: the paperwork.

What’s your dream job and why?

I wouldn’t say “no” to a job in which I was paid just to ski every day. Unfortunately, I think my chances of becoming a professional skier are now behind me…

What’s your most treasured possession?

My mountain bike.

Where did you last go on holiday?

The south coast of Spain.

In the Hollywood film of your life, who would play you?

Tom Cruise, but he would have to grow a bit taller.

Reveal something about yourself not many people know.

I am a qualified hang glider pilot.

What album is currently in your car CD player?

I don’t tend to listen to CDs any more. I usually have my iPod set on shuffle so I never know what song is coming next. Current favourites include Kaiser Chiefs or (showing my age) most ’80s hits.

What’s your favourite film and TV programme?

Favourite film is Groundhog Day; TV programme is Top Gear.

What quote or saying do you most overuse?

“If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.”

If you ruled the world, what would you do first?

Without hesitation I would outlaw reality TV shows.

What’s your favourite joke?

How many stupid people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Two. One to hold the lightbulb and one to turn the ladder.