One Minute Intervew: Dr Dave Roberts, smart grid delivery team manager, EA Technology

Career history: Worked at ABB in Switzerland, Manweb, Siemens Transmission and Distribution before joining EA Technology in 2008.

What was your first job?

Developing an interface controller (hardware and software) for the control system running the Pacific Inter-Tie DC link for the US. Very creative and it was brilliant being able to work in a foreign country and learn a language.

What are the best and worst parts of your job?

The best part of my job is helping customers deal with issues that have not been solved by their existing set of solutions. The worst part of my job is being realistic in what we can do and what we can’t.

What’s your dream job and why?

I like being a consultant in this field. It is an opportunity to use my skills and experience to contribute to something that will affect everyone’s lives in a few years.

What’s your most treasured possession?

My bicycle. Funny how you get attached to a form of transport. We’ve had some good times together.

Where did you last go on holiday?

Sweden over the New Year, skiing.

In the Hollywood film of your life, who would play you?

Simon Pegg.

Reveal something about yourself not many people know.

I am a twin.

What album is currently in your car CD player?

My Favourite Christmas Songs. I will have to get around to changing that.

What’s your favourite film and TV programme?

Film is The Last of the Mohicans; TV programme is Doc Martin.

What quote or saying do you most overuse?

“Experience is something you get just after you need it.”

If you ruled the world, what would you do first?

Have a bath.

What’s your favourite joke?

The one about the penguin and the grocery store.

This article first appeared in Utility Week’s print edition of 15th February 2013.

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