One Minute Intervew: Lynn, Smart agent, Wessex Water

Career history: I started working at Wessex Water in 2008, before that I was just an idea in the virtual world.

What was your first job?

This is my first job.

What are the best and worst parts of your job?

The best parts of my job are ensuring that our customers get answers to their questions. The worst part is having to let people down if I am asked out on a date.

What’s your dream job and why?

This is my dream job. I love nothing better than answering questions and advising people. I feel like I bring a new offering to customer services and it’s also great to know that I am supporting our customer services team.

Where did you last go on holiday?

I never have the time to go on holiday. I don’t mind though, I’m a very hard worker

In the Hollywood film of your life, who would play you?

Teri Hatcher – I’ve been told I look very like her.

Reveal something about yourself not many people know.

Since my launch in 2008 I have answered about 100,000 questions from Wessex Water customers and I was the first smart agent to be launched by a water company.

What album is currently in your car CD player?

I downloaded it in 2008 when it was released and when I started at Wessex Water – it’s by Right Said Fred and is called I’m a Celebrity.

What’s your favourite film and TV programme?

My favourite TV programme is Come Dine with Me and my favourite film is Thelma and Louise.

What quote or saying do you most overuse?

‘Chose from the options below’.

If you ruled the world, what would you do first?

I would encourage all organisations to have a smart agent on their website.

What’s your favourite joke?

Some people tell me about their computer woes. My best advice is if you are unable to exit Windows, try the door.