Opus breaks big six dominance of business energy market

The latest market share report from Cornwall Energy shows that Opus now has 6.4 per cent of the business energy market after experiencing the biggest six-monthly growth by any supplier in the last five years.

Opus now serves more than 230,000 business energy meters after increasing its gas customer base by 7,500 small and medium businesses in the last six months. Opus said it plans to become the third biggest supplier by doubling in size over the next four years.

Opus’s managing director Lo`uise Boland said: “The latest Cornwall Energy report shows that competition is providing real alternatives to the big six, creating better deals and more choices for businesses.”

“At Opus Energy, we have experienced significant growth in customers from businesses both large and small. However, this growth hasn’t resulted in a reduction in customer service. Our strong focus on putting our customers first has led to over 90 per cent of our customers choosing to stay with us year after year.

The report also shows that the more than 40 suppliers in the business energy market has resulted in the collective share of the big six by volume dropping to below a fifth for gas and nearly three quarters for electricity.

Cornwall Energy’s director Robert Buckley said: “We conduct a market share report twice a year and our findings have always acted as a marker for the changes in the industry.”

“Seeing Opus Energy infiltrate the traditional big six territory has seemed to be coming for some time. It is an exciting time to be a business looking to change supplier as competition is rife, making good deals easy to find.”