Renewable groups outline six ‘key tests’ for next government

The coalition – which includes the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association (ADBA), the British Photovoltaic Association, the Renewable Energy Association, Renewable UK, Scottish Renewables, and the Solar Trade Association – is calling on the next government to establish a renewables target of 30 per cent of UK energy by 2030.

The other “key tests” include: supporting the Climate Change Act; the setting of a binding target for low and no carbon electricity by 2030; a reformation of the EU Emissions Trading System; for the Renewable Heat Incentive to be extended for new applications beyond 2016, and for the UK’s renewable transport fuel obligation to reach 10 per cent renewable energy target for transport by 2020.

Tony Juniper, chair of thr group, known as Action for Renewables, and former executive director of Friends of the Earth, said: “We need consistent and strong backing for renewable energy, not only to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change, but also to harness the opportunities for growth and jobs and reduce our reliance on dirty fossil fuel imports from insecure parts of the world.

“A range of technologies have important roles to play and I hope voters will contact party leaders and ask them to support out manifesto because none of these technologies can flourish without political backing”.