Robin Hood Energy announces customer app

Robin Hood Energy has announced it is introducing a smartphone app for its customers.

The not-for-profit supplier, which was launched by Nottingham City Council in 2015, says the free-to-download app will allow customers to better monitor, manage and understand their energy consumption.

The app will send alerts on consumption spikes via artificial intelligence (AI) to users.

It will also allow them to access “intuitive self-service tools around billing, payment, meter read submission and budgeting”.

Swedish software company Eliq will deliver the app.

Hakan Ludvigson, CEO and founder of Eliq, said: “We are excited to be working with Robin Hood Energy and their partner utilities.

“We’re looking to make a step-change in customer engagement, raising engagement levels by 10x among mobile users.

“By helping customers to understand their consumption and get access to better self-service capabilities, Robin Hood Energy will be lowering their costs for churn as well as customer service.”

Gail Scholes, CEO at Robin Hood Energy, said: “Customers expect an engaging digital interface from their service providers.

“Partnering with Eliq means we can provide our customers, and particularly some of most vulnerable customers, with a free app which will enable them to monitor and budget their energy usage.

“As well as helping customers see the energy they are using we hope this will also increase the uptake in smart meters and help create loyal customers who stay with Robin Hood as an energy supplier.”

Last month, the supplier announced an increase of 14.8 per cent to the price of its standard variable tariff for the average dual fuel customer starting on 29 November.

The hike, which will affect the 20 per cent of its customers on its Evergreen tariff, equates to an extra £155 on the typical annual energy bill.