Smart meter IHDs could help customers save £6bn

The In Home Displays (IHDs) that accompany smart meters could help British energy consumers save more than £6 billion, according to Beama.

A report by the trade association for the UK electrical manufacturing industry found that an average electricity and gas customer with a smart meter and an IHD would be likely to save £147 per year.

This saving would equate to more than £6 billion over a three year period.

It is also estimated that due to consumer engagement with IHDs and their subsequent reduction in energy usage, there will be a drop in carbon emissions of 3.9 million tonnes per year.

Baroness Verma, parliamentary undersecretary for energy and climate change, said: “Consumer engagement is a key aim of the smart meter programme.

“We welcome this research which clearly shows the benefits to households.

“IHDs enable consumers to see what energy they are using and how much it is costing – putting them in control and helping avoid wasting energy and money.”

Howard Porter, chief executive at Beama, added: “Average results of trials in real homes achieved 9 per cent reductions in electricity use, and, most importantly, these are maintained for at least three years.

“This puts paid to the sceptics who claim that IHDs will be looked at for a week and then put into a drawer never to be seen again.

“As well as being good news for householders it’s also good news for the environment.

“The carbon savings for electricity alone account for over 8 per cent of the annual CO2 reductions needed to hit the UK 2018-2022 carbon budget.”