Solar industry can match Hinkley generation in two years

In a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, Turner urged the Government to move away from debating green taxes, and discuss the deployment of sustainable energy technologies.

Turner said that £110 billion needed to be spent replacing the 20 per cent of the UK’s capacity scheduled to be turned off by 2018.

He argued that while the announcement of Hinkley Point C would make a contribution to “plugging the gap” without “further perpetuating” the UK’s dependency on fossil fuels, the new power station would only be of use in 10 years’ time at the earliest.

According to Turner, the solar sector in the UK is gaining traction but announcements from the Cameron this week to scrap green levies would shake investor confidence before the sector had a chance to become fully self-sufficient.

“We urge you to move from debating about taxes on energy bills and take a serious look at how our future energy needs can be met sustainably.  Only then can we gain true energy security in pricing as well as supply.

“We believe that solar power can provide energy security quickly, reduce electricity bills and protect the environment at the same time,” he said.