Solar Trade Association aims for 40GW by 2030

The Solar Trade Association (STA) has set its sights on 40GW of solar energy by 2030, as part of its general election manifesto.

The trade body said the target was consistent with the Committee on Climate Change’s “high” renewables scenario, which was published back in 2015.

According to the association, this would require the installation of around 10GW of new capacity over the lifetime of the next Parliament.

This would also mean current solar capacity would be doubled and account for 10 per cent of UK power by 2022.

“Whichever party wins this election, they should remember that solar has already won the public vote on energy by a landslide,” said STA chief executive, Paul Barwell.

“If politicians really want to transform choice and competition in the energy market for good, their efforts are best spent making solar power and storage accessible to the millions of people and businesses who want it.”

The manifesto also calls for a level playing field for solar, with progressive regulation and fair taxes.

“The speed and direction of technology change is clear,” added Barwell. “The global solar market is estimated in trillions. Solar sits at the heart of a smart energy system that can save the UK billions.

“If we are to seize these tremendous opportunities in energy, the next government will enable the solar Britain that pretty much everybody wants, and become a global leader in decentralised, smart flexible power.”