South East expands automatic enrolment for social tariffs

South East Water has expanded its autoenrollment scheme for social tariffs and is looking to team up with more councils to grow the service further.

The company wants to build on the partnership that began with Maidstone Borough Council in August and has now been extended to Tunbridge Wells.

The scheme allows eligible billpayers to be automatically added to South East’s social tariffs to ensure help is provided to people who may not be aware of the available support.

South East is working with the councils in Kent to share data that can be used to identify eligible households. The service was enabled by the Digital Economy Act 2017, which allows personal information to be shared to assist customers that are struggling financially.

Customer service director Tanya Sephton said: “We have already worked with councils and third sector organisations such as Citizens’ Advice for many years to encourage those eligible to come forward.

“However, we cannot assume all our customers on a low income seek support and advice, so this system will make sure those who meet the criteria are on the correct tariff.”

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council leader Tom Dawlings said: “There will be residents who may not know about the social tariff or may be reluctant to apply and they will now be switched to that tariff automatically. This will be a real benefit to those residents struggling financially.”

Despite water companies offering a range of financial support for billpayers who may need short or long-term assistance with bills, awareness of such schemes remains low according to a CCW survey. The water watchdog recommended introducing a national single social tariff to remove the “postcode lottery” of financial help that varies between water companies.