Speaker’s corner: Nikki Kemmery

Nikki Kemmery will speak at Utility Week’s Health & Safety Conference 2014 on 25 November. Taking a pragmatic approach to improving health and safety performance, she will explain why: “You have to work within the existing culture of your organisation and develop plans that are sustainable in the long term.”

Personal notes:

Nikki joined Welsh Water in 2010 following two mergers at the company, which took its employee base from 140 to 1,700. Previously she worked for Yorkshire Water in a variety of health and safety roles.

What has been you most successful or challenging experience in your career to date?

Joining Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to develop a single team and a health and safety management system from three separate organisations and cultures. This challenge taught me that it takes time and trust to build something new and you need to bring everyone with you to ensure it is embedded.

Identify five people you would invite to your dream dinner party and why?

Ranulph Fiennes, Stephen Fry, Brian Moore, Sean Connery and the now sadly departed Robin Williams – it would be both fascinating and entertaining.

Name four items you keep on your desk:

Pictures of my daughter; a heart-shaped stress toy; my Exceeding Expectations mug; and a rubber duck (the last one is a long story).

The main event

Utility Week’s Health & Safety Conference 2014 takes place on 25 November at the Holiday Inn, Birmingham City Centre.

Other keynote speakers include:

•    Barrie Millet, director of health, safety and environment, Eon UK.

•    Adam Gosnold, executive director, Morrison Utility Services.

•    Graham Finn, head of health, safety and environment, EDF Energy.

•    Chris Clarke, occupational director of asset management, health, safety and environment, Wales and West Utilities.

Find out more at www.uw-hs.net

Nikki Kemmery, head of health and safety, Welsh Water