SSE backs greater customer engagement to manage energy cost challenge

A YouGov report conducted in September for the energy supplier showed that almost 50 per cent of consumers agreed that better energy information would help them use less gas and electricity.

“Customers are sending a loud and clear message: ‘help me reduce my energy costs without cutting back on my quality of life’,” said SSE’s chief executive Alistair Phillips-Davies.

In addition the study found that many are “baffled by bills” with only 41 per cent saying they understand them.

“Whether it’s finding fairer, more cost-effective and more appealing ways to deliver large-scale household energy efficiency improvements, simplifying bills to help people understand what they are paying, or giving them more flexibility about how they engage with and get the most from their smart meter, this report provides fresh and meaningful insights we can all act on,” he added.

YouGov interviewed 2,400 members of the UK public in mid-September. Key findings of the study showed that 85 per cent of customers expected energy to become more important to their lives while seven in 10 expected energy costs to increase significantly.

YouGov’s chief executive Stephan Shakespeare said: “People do generally want to do their bit both to cut costs and to help the environment; but investing their limited and stretched funds into energy saving activities is beyond the ability of many and is all too much ‘jam tomorrow’.”

“However, simpler and better information may be able to help even though energy costs represent a major barrier within the existing communication process. There is a positive role here for all the market’s participants and influencers, especially if they can work together,” he added.