SSE launches renewable energy tariff for businesses

SSE Business Energy has launched a 100 per cent renewable energy contract for its commercial and industrial business customers.

The new ‘SSE Green’ tariff, which excludes the use of biomass, will supply renewable energy which has been generated exclusively through a portfolio of wind and hydro assets. It is aimed at businesses which report their greenhouse gas emissions in their annual reports. 

SSE’s director of busuiness energy Terry Tippell said: “We are delighted to offer this new contract to business customers. It will allow them to demonstrate their commitment to renewable and sustainable goals, as well as enhancing their environmental reputation and commitment to customers and other stakeholders.

“Equally, large organisations can benefit greatly by being able to report zero emissions for their purchased electricity.”

SSE has invested more than £4 billion in renewable sources of generation since April 2007, and operates approximately 2,500MW of wind and hydro assets, with a further 400MW of onshore wind currently in construction.