SSE to re-route onshore cable for Viking windfarm

Following the Supreme Court decision to uphold the consent for the 450MW Viking windfarm project on the Shetland Islands, the distribution network operator said it is now preparing to deliver the required transmission cable connection.

The company will be able to push ahead with plans “once Government policy towards island-based renewable generators is confirmed and regulatory approval can be obtained”.

The cable will run between SHET’s landfall in Weisdale Voe and the planned Upper Kergord Converter Station.

The company is currently working with Shetland Islands council to meet the planning conditions attached to the Upper Kergord development in line with the revised timescale for the project.

Lead project manager David Inglis said: “The cable route now largely follows one of the wind farm access tracks, which will reduce disruption during the construction period for the local community and other land users.

“As well as completing design and planning work, we are preparing to seek regulatory approval for the Shetland cable via the process in place for this type of investment. Confirmation of Department of Energy and Climate Change policy towards remote island renewable generation will allow this work to be completed so the project can progress.”