The road to RIIO2

Ofgem is due shortly to kick off the process for the second round of RIIO price controls covering electricity and gas transmission and gas distribution.

RIIO is the new price control regime for energy introduced after an extensive review known as RPI-x@20. RIIO itself stands for the idea that Revenue is based on Incentives for Innovation and Outputs.

This early phase of RIIO2 is vitally important as it will shape the nature of Ofgem’s approach to price controls for all the networks – including electricity distribution who aren’t formally in scope. Now is the time to engage.

While the initial open letter should be – as its name suggests – “open”, what it will reveal is whether Ofgem has a desire to fundamentally change its approach or to build on what exists.

It’s always tempting for someone new to come in and want to stamp their mark by developing a new regime and way of doing things – and superficially it can seem that there is large scope to do better.

But RIIO is actually one part of the regulatory regime that doesn’t need fundamental overhaul to cope with the challenges of the energy transition. My predecessors did a good job with the root and branch review that led to RIIO, anticipating the low carbon shift and the challenges it brings.

What Ofgem have done on price controls is seen as a role model internationally as all regulators look at how to encourage alternatives to investment in copper and drive a strong customer focus and greater innovation. I did a tour of the US last year talking to US regulators interested in this British export.

It also stood up well in the face of the twin appeals to the CMA (the Competition and Markets Authority) by Centrica and Northern Powergrid on RIIO ED1.

Of course that doesn’t mean that Ofgem has got everything right. There is still plenty of room for improvement – but it’s in the detail. The questions I would be asking are:

So there is plenty there for the regulator to get its teeth into – but please don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The essence of RIIO – the focus on incentives, innovation, outputs and greater consumer and stakeholder engagement – has been hugely successful. Ofgem should make clear in its open letter that the essence of RIIO is here to stay.