Tighter EU drinking water rules could put up bills, warns Water UK

Responding to the EU consultation on the Drinking Water Directive, Water UK said that the drinking water in the UK is “among the very best in the world” and that any future changes to drinking water quality standards must be based on robust scientific evidence of risks to human health.

The trade association said that with British and European consumers facing cost of living pressures, it is “essential” that affordability is taken into account when future standards are set.

Pamela Taylor, chief executive of Water UK, said: “Drinking water regulators in the UK provide the robust regulation needed to ensure that standards are maintained and that the water industry is always looking to identify and tackle risks to drinking water and consequently safeguarding public health.

“It is vital that the EU recognises the standards we already impose on ourselves in the UK, and the impacts that any proposed tighter regulation could have on customers’ bills.”

The European Commission’s consultation, which closed on 23 September, sought views on the current level of drinking water quality, the main threats to drinking water and possible additional actions that could be taken at EU level.