UK and Irish bathing waters at the bottom of EU table

The UK has one of the highest rates of bathing waters with poor quality in Europe, according to an EU report.

The report by the European Environment Agency and the European Commission notes that while a record number of bathing water sites (85 per cent) across the continent met the most stringent “excellent” quality standards last year, the highest proportion of waters with poor quality were found in Ireland and the UK.

According to the report, 20 bathing waters in Britain or 3 per cent of the total, were classed as poor, while in Ireland there were six waters or 4 per cent of the total.

The highest number of bathing sites with poor water quality were found in Italy, which had 100 sites or 1.8 per cent of the country’s total.

More than 21,000 coastal and inland bathing water sites reported on their water quality last year.

A total of 96.3 per cent met the minimum quality requirements under the EU’s bathing water directive.

And water quality classified as “excellent” has increased from 78.1 per cent in 2011 to 85.5 per cent last year.

“The excellent quality of European bathing water sites is not by chance,” said European commissioner for the environment, Karmenu Vella.

“It is the result of hard work by dedicated professionals. It shows the importance of nurturing EU policy that promotes green jobs.”