Utilities trio join forces to help customers cope with outages

The trio will work together to encourage eligible customers to sign up to their respective priority service registers.

“It seemed logical that if we were going to be asking people to register for additional assistance if their gas supply was interrupted, that these same people might also need extra assistance if their electricity or water supplies were interrupted,” said Wales and West Utilities director of business services Mark Oliver.

“The option for customers to register for their electricity priority service register has been running for some months now and we are looking forward to working together with Welsh Water so those who need it can register for special assistance if their water supply is interrupted too.”

Welsh Water managing director of retail services Julia Cherrett said: “We work hard to identify those customers with additional needs but we know there are more people out there that could be benefitting.  Working in partnership in this way will mean that we can reach even more customers with the extensive range of help that we offer.”

People who are registered disabled, chronically sick or old enough to receive a pension are among those eligible to sign up.