UU adds cloud computing to AI leak detection

United Utilities (UU) has enhanced its Fido leak detection tool to reduce the room for human error when locating leaks.

The tool, developed with Cloud Correlation, uses cloud computing together with AI to make Fido accurate to within one metre. Data is fed to the cloud, eliminating the need to manually input information or for any additional equipment.

Acoustic data is collected via small devices called Fido Bugs. The information is then analysed by Fido in the cloud and returns the results to an engineer’s phone.

Paul Parr, UU’s leakage technical manager, said: “I never thought I would see the day where our technicians had a pocket correlator, but it is here. The power of Cloud Correlation will help us become more efficient on site and drive leakage down.”

The company trialled Fido AI last December before rolling devices out across its network. Its tests showed the Fido algorithm could filter out external sounds and noises from pumps to make it 92% accurate at detecting leaks.

Victoria Edwards, chief executive of Fido Tech, said AI removed the human error from detection by analysing more precise data.

She said: “With Cloud Correlation, Fido AI uses this knowledge to automatically decide which sequence from a range of complex calculations will give the most accurate result. The phenomenal computing power of the cloud is what enables this. It is beyond the capability of an independent device in the street. With no need to enter any technical, location or pipe material data, there is no need for specialist training.”

UU developed the Fido technology from a partnership at its 2019 Innovation Lab event where Fido had access to data from UU’s district metered area.