Video: Young campaigners voice water efficiency concerns

Water efficiency as a school subject, including all aspects of water usage in consumption data and water reuse have been cited as three ideas to improve water efficiency by young environmental campaigners.

Concerns from the next generation were voiced by 10-year-olds Mbetmi, Yimi and Waimi at this week’s Waterwise conference.

The triplets addressed the low awareness of water scarcity in the UK and the lack of media coverage it receives compared to other issues such as pollution.

“If everyone knew we might be running out of water in the UK, it would be felt in our communities – and at the moment it doesn’t feel like it,” Waimi said.

He added the public attention on polluted waterways should have been a “big heads-up” for people to realise the damage being done to waters through everyday behaviours.

The triplets proposed three actions government can take to boost efficiency:

Water companies’ role should according to the triplets include sharing water saving tips through a customer competition; offering free services to find customer-side leaks; and considering recycled water use.