Water companies offer rebates for NHS workers

Water companies have responded to the financial burdens many customers are feeling with an array of assistance including rebates for NHS workers and community funds.

Bristol and Wessex have each offered a rebate of £50 for NHS frontline staff who have had to increase their laundry loads during the outbreak.

Wessex was the first to launch the deal, which will apply to water and wastewater services from 1 April for 12 months and available to frontline staff who are required to wash their own uniforms.

The move was mirrored by Bristol whose customers will be able to apply from next week.

“You spend all day worrying about other people, so if you’ve been instructed to wash your uniform, we don’t want you to worry about your water bill too,” the company said.

Elsewhere, Anglian pledged £1 million for a fund to support community organisations. The Positive Difference Fund will be distributed via a local partner to assist areas and people most in need.

Half the funds will be dedicated to support organisations helping households and individuals during the coronavirus outbreak while the remaining half will be used to meet needs that emerge later in the year.

Severn Trent and United Utilities also announced community funding schemes last week to help anyone affected, while across the industry support has been stepped up for billpayers who are struggling financially.