Water deregulation: digital transformation is critical

As reported by Utility Week, final approval has just been provided by the UK government confirming that the competitive water retail market for business, charities and public sector customers in England will open as planned on 1 April 2017.

The new market will be under intense scrutiny from government, regulators and consumer groups. In an environment where the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) is proposing to collect complaints data from new water retailers on a monthly basis, variations in preparedness will be exposed very quickly. There will be no hiding place in the open market.

There will be ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in the deregulated non-domestic water market in England.

‘Winners’ will be water utilities who leverage the full potential of digital technology to drive competitive advantage in at least five key areas: engaging and connecting with customers; building digital operating advantage; deriving actionable insight from data; supporting collaboration and knowledge sharing; business transformation.

As the industry prepares for radical change, water company staff should assess their digital readiness for a more competitive marketplace by addressing the following questions:

With strong evidence emerging that ‘leading digital’ companies outperform others, we will find out very soon who is prepared.