Water meters can slash annual bills by £100

CCWater said a free water meter is the best way for many consumers to reduce bills as households feel the pressure of the cost of living.

Last month it was revealed the average household water and sewerage bill will rise by £8 from £385 to £393 in 2014/15 and the watchdog is advising consumers to use its online water meter calculator, which can inform them whether making the switch will save them money.

Dame Yve Buckland, chair of CCWater, said: “We know these are difficult times for many households and one in eight customers tell us they feel they cannot afford their water bill. It is vitally important that customers don’t miss out on the saving they are entitled to.”

CCWater is also advising customers to check they are not paying for a service they do not receive such as for sewerage if they own septic tanks.

In addition, it is urging indebted customers to contact their water company to get access to support schemes. Among them the Water Sure scheme limits the bills of many customers receiving income-related benefits. A growing number of water companies are also now offering social tariffs, which can provide lower charges to customers who would otherwise struggle to afford their bills.