Utilities won a rare victory in the battle for public opinion this week, with the news that customer satisfaction with the industry is rising faster than with any other sector.

According to the latest research from the Institute of Customer Service (ICS)., utilities have gained 1.9 points year-on year. Satisfaction with banks and building socities has stalled by comparison, with their score falling by 0.4 points.

Utility Warehouse came second in the top 50 organisations across all industries for customer service. Ovo ranked at 33.

Customers across the UK are more satisfied now than at any time since January 2014 but their priorities are shifting with staff attitude and behaviour more important now than five years ago, the ICS found.

ICS chief executive Jo Causon said: “Core ingredients of excellent customer service – employee competence, attitudes and behaviour – have become even more significant differentiators.  

“Mass marketing or a ‘one size fits all’ customer experience is delivering diminishing returns and diluting valuable customer relationships.”