Making the most of technology to improve customer communications in the new normal

The need for agility to respond to customers in timely and personalised ways has never been greater.

This webinar from Utility Week in association with Quadient examines how, as utilities open up more communication channels to customers, they can ensure their operations become more efficient – and what role technology plays in this.

Through interviews with customer experts in utilities the webinar will explore how lockdown has changed the way customers want to communicate with utility suppliers with greater uptake of digital channels and on-line engagement.

This webinar will:

· Draw on a new research report from Utility Week to highlight new emerging trends in the way customers want to communicate with utility suppliers

· Explore customer communication strategies being employed by a number of utility firms – and how those are being rolled out to respond to the changing consumer landscape

· Offer advice and tips on current technology trends to enable agile communications – how to avoid pitfalls and make technology work for you


· 2.15 Introduction by the chair Denise Chevin, Intelligence Editor Utility Week with themes from the recent Utility Week Insight report and emerging trends in customer communication

· 2.20 What are utility firms doing to improve customer communications and what are the challenges they face – Q&A conducted by Denise Chevin with Bill Wilson, Digital Channel Lead, Severn Trent and Stephanie Martin Customer Experience Project Manager, Bristol Water

· 2.40 Harnessing technology to improve efficiency – tips, and advice from John Hoggard, global utilities lead Quadient

· 2.55 Concluding remarks from the chair.