One Minute Intervew: Rajiv Sudan, director of infrastructure and utilities, Sweett Group

Career history: a chartered engineer, Rajiv has more than 25 years’ experience in the infrastructure industry, having held senior roles in utilities, consulting and contracting. He has a Masters in Business Administration.

What was your first job?

A steward at Lord’s Cricket Ground. I met some real heroes, including Ian Botham and Viv Richards.

What are the best and worst parts of your job?

You can’t beat winning commissions, so we can add value and make a difference to our client’s business. The worst is when you lose out on that opportunity when you know you could have done a fantastic job.

What’s your dream job and why?

I love music, so running an old-style record store would be amazing. It’s about the people and environment around you.

What’s your most treasured possession?

My record collection.

Where did you last go on holiday?

Orlando, Florida. Overdosed on Disney and pancakes.

In the Hollywood film of your life, who would play you?

Tough one. Sanjeev Bhasker from Goodness Gracious Me might be a good call.

Reveal something about yourself not many people know.

I used to be a trunk sewers engineer for Thames Water.

What album is currently in your car CD player?

I have a pretty eclectic taste, so I’m alternating between Snow Patrol’s Fallen Empires and Thom Yorke’s new venture, Atoms For Peace, who I’m seeing live soon.

What’s your favourite film and TV programme?

My kids say I’m obsessed with The Breakfast Club. My favourite TV programme has to be Entourage.

What quote or saying do you most overuse?

I’m spending a lot of time in the North at the moment, so I’m prone to saying “Flippin’ eck” quite a bit.

If you ruled the world, what would you do first?

Elevate the importance of careers in engineering and construction. It’s crucial we attract and retain the best talent. You can genuinely have a fulfilling and challenging career, with opportunities worldwide.

What’s your favourite joke?

What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Philippe Philoppe.

This article first appeared in Utility Week’s print edition of 19th July 2013.

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