Reform for Resilience

25 May 2023

Reform for Resilience

Utility Week’s second report on the theme of reform highlights the need for greater state investment in resilience, new financial models and a focus on changing customers’ behaviours.

In early 2023, Utility Week formed a dedicated taskforce, a group of industry leaders convened to guide Utility Week’s coverage and campaigning activities. Following input from this group, we have published three reports designed to capture the fundamental drivers for reform of market structures, regulatory approaches and policy frameworks to tackle challenges relating to: customer support, resilience and decarbonisation.

The other two reports in this series are available to download now using the following links.

This second report, created in association with Utility Week Taskforce strategic partner PA Consulting focusses on reform for resilience. Download now to learn more about:

  • Why resilience-driven investment needs to be given equal priority to meeting legislative and regulatory requirements around net zero and curbing pollution
  • How behaviours of customers need to change to boost resilience in energy and water
  • How different investment vehicles outside the price reviews could adapted for smaller projects
  • Why the introduction of water resilience standards with more prescriptive measures of operational reliability could help give focus to resilience
  • Other measures that could boost resilience, including an authoritative cross-sector new forum to examine the need for action and investment and establish acceptable levels of resilience.

Download Reform for resilience using the form, right.