Speaker’s corner: Philip King, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Credit Management


What’s the most important lesson/idea people should take away from your presentation?

From the day, I’d hope people will appreciate better the challenges they face in the months ahead, and that they take at least one practical tip away that can improve their operation.


What has been the most successful or challenging experience in your career and what did you learn from it?

Achieving Royal Chartered status for the Chartered Institute of Credit Management to give the credit management profession its proper status and recognition.


Which five people would you invite to your dream dinner party and why?

Winston Churchill – for his brilliant use of words.

Martin Luther King – for his visionary ideals, and to hear his view on the world today.

Brian Redhead – co-presenter of Radio 4’s Today programme when I was growing up, for his quick-thinking wit.

Bill Nicholson – for his approach to managing the most successful Tottenham Hotspur team.

Margaret Thatcher – for insights into how she succeeded in a man’s world, and to hear her spar with Churchill.


Name four items you keep on your desk that reveal something about you.

Photos of my family.

A Tottenham Hotspur calendar.

My iPad (right arm!).

Charging cables; I’m paranoid about batteries dying.