Unlocking the value of data for better asset management

Pioneering applications of asset data capture were showcased in a recent webinar which is now available to download.

The webinar was in association with Mobileye and Ordnance Survey, who discuss how an innovative new application of artificial intelligence technology is helping utility companies track the precise location of roadside assets.

Clive Surman-Wells, operational solutions manager, Northumbrian Water describes the benefits of the new system to the group, which has become the first utility company in the UK to join the project. Its vans will be fitted with Mobileye’s automotive camera-based mapping technology.

The third presentation is from Dan Wilson, the asset data manager and NMS data lead at Electricity North West. Dan is part of the asset management team at Electricity North West and leads on the company’s asset information strategy and governance of corporate data.

He talks about the challenges of ENW’s Network Management System project which involves the company building the full network model from a GIS and Asset Register, and how the team prepared their data to enable this.